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How to Transfer Facebook Ads From One Account to Another

After laboring all of those long days and late nights, it's time to transfer Facebook Page ownership. If you truly love something, you have to set it free.

But how do you transfer Facebook Page ownership the correct way?

Thankfully, this is a straightforward task compared to some of Facebook's notoriously elusive support and troubleshooting.


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Reasons To Transfer Facebook Page Ownership

If you are an agency, you have probably created a Facebook Page or two for clients. This is a common scenario and necessarily lends itself to transfer Facebook Page ownership.


Perhaps you've been helping your technologically-inept uncle or grandparent with their Facebook Page, and you're ready to hand it off to the next of tech-savvy kin.

Entrepreneurs can imagine the need to transfer Facebook Page ownership upon being acquired or during any sort of business sale.

The new owners will surely want your Facebook Page (unless you had some really bad PR).

You can probably imagine there may come a time when you find yourself asking who legally owns a Facebook page, such as a family member who has departed.

There are other reasons, but we don't want this article to get all Jerry Springer.

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Transfer Ownership Of A Facebook Business Page

So how do you transfer your prized Facebook Page ownership? The most efficient way is to first make the new owner an 'Admin' on your Page. Then, remove yourself as Admin.


Follow these easy steps!

Important Note: You must be an admin of the page and you must use a desktop computer. You can learn how to add an admin to your Facebook Page here.

There are many different page roles to help you grant and limit access.

For example, you can assign someone to solely handle advertising as an 'Advertiser' role, and restrict or allow permissions to manage budget and ad spends.

Step 1) Ask the person who will be gaining admin access to "Like" the Page.

Step 2) Log in to your admin Page account.

Step 3) If you accessed your Page via, click 'Settings' in the top right of your Facebook Page screen. Then click 'Page Roles' in the left menu.


If you accessed your Page via, click 'Settings' in the left menu. Then click 'Page Roles' also in the left menu.

how to transfer Facebook Page ownership

Step 4) Type the name of the person to who you want to transfer your Facebook Page to in the box below "Assign a New Page Role".

how to transfer Facebook Page ownership

Step 5) Select 'Admin' from the drop-down. Click "Add".

If you need to remove yourself you can log in and visit the same 'Page Roles' section to change your role to anything other than 'Admin'.

Now that you can transfer Facebook Page ownership with ease, let's unpack some other common Facebook Page owners' questions.

How Do I Remove A Page Owner On Facebook?

Now you can transfer your Facebook Page but you are still wondering "how do I remove a page owner on Facebook?"

You can remove a page owner on Facebook by following the steps above to transfer a Facebook page.

Once you've accessed 'Page Roles' click on the Admin you'd like to remove and select any role other than Admin to downgrade their permissions or remove them altogether.

how to transfer Facebook Page ownership

Remove Page From Business Manager

How do you remove a Page from Facebook Business Manager? First, make sure you are an Admin of the Page in question.

Second, make sure the Page is not connected to any other assets in Business Manager. If so, delete these connections.

Follow these steps to remove a Page from Business Manager:

Step 1) Click 'Business Settings' on the left menu at

Step 2) Scan the assigned assets for any conflicts while in the Users / People screen.

Step 3) Click 'Pages' on the left menu under 'Accounts'.

Step 4) Select the Page and click 'Remove' next to it.

how to transfer Facebook Page ownership

Request A Facebook Page Transfer

Sometimes things get a little dicey. For example, let's say you have a disgruntled ex-employee or ex-boyfriend or girlfriend for that matter.

Whatever the drama, you're going to want to appeal to have your Page rightfully in your care.

First, make sure there isn't a valid reason for this person to withhold account access. If you are an agency, for example, make sure there are no outstanding fees from either party.

This is a very common scenario and is ripe for litigation. Make sure you are all paid up before moving forward with requesting a Facebook Page transfer.

This brings us to our next and final Facebook drama that only the true Facebook Page owner can resolve (no DNA tests required).


Facebook Page Ownership Dispute

As you can see, sometimes we need to have a healthy discussion about who gets the family Facebook Page when we split apart, or Business Page.

This is a troublesome thought, imagine your Facebook Business Page just sitting there on the world wide web, with no one to manage it.

Hopefully, you installed a chatbot prior that is sending your customers, prospects, and fans happy messages while you clear up this mess.

You can claim your unmanaged Facebook Page relatively easily:

Step 1) Go to the unmanaged Facebook Page and click the "Is this your business?" link in the top right.

Step 2) Fill in the prompts for the basic info, such as the website and physical address of your business.

Step 3) Select from the options to verify by phone, documents, or email and follow through with the supporting documents.

But what if someone else has taken the reins, what if your Facebook Business Page has fallen into the wrong hands?

how to transfer Facebook Page ownership

Get ready to jump through hoops if someone else has claimed your Facebook Page. It ain't pretty.

You may be asked to provide a notarized statement from your lawyer about the importance of the Page.

If a digital agency you have worked with in the past has claimed your Page, with permission, but is now defunct or long gone… you could be in a pickle.

The best solution, in that case, is to contact the person who claimed your Page, whether it's an old account manager, employee, or intern.

Ask them to fix it and avoid a headache with Facebook's curmudgeon legal process.

You might want to pursue trying to report copyright infringement on the person impersonating your ownership.

Another solution could be to create a new Page and attempt to merge the two accounts and verify you are the rightful owner in the process.

Hopefully, this solves your Facebook woes and keeps your Page out of limbo!

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Important Next Steps

  • Create your first chatbot today after you sign-up for MobileMonkey.
  • Talk and learn about chatbots with other enthusiasts. Join MobileMonkey Island, our Facebook group of 40K marketers and entrepreneurs who are ready to support you.
  • Advance your marketing performance with Chatbot University, a free chatbot tutorial and training area for chat marketers.

How to Transfer Facebook Ads From One Account to Another
