Black Ops Zombies Texture Pack 1.5.2
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[256x,128x,64x,32x][1.5.2/13w18c] KDS HD Realistic Texture Pack, UPDATED to 1.5.2 and snapshots!
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Black Ops Zombies Texture Pack 1.5.2
#1 Jan 22, 2011
Supporting the Union
KDStudios Presents:
What this is:
Last month I put up a poll to decide the future of this pack, hundreds of loyal fans of this pack voted to update this texture pack one last time. As I hadn't touched this since 1.7.3 and have been working on my KDS Photo Realism and my KDS Wastelandcraft texture packs. As well as working on games and videos.
As I've decided to update this pack I may continue to update this, if demand is high enough I will update it, otherwise I will let this fall into the abyss.
This is a Photo Realistic texture pack originally designed to make minecraft look so much better and was only meant to be for my use only. Since that day I have seen it go from a few textures different to a whole pack.
There are three versions I will be uploading, the 256x256 texture pack, a 128x128 version of it for those who have problems working with the 256x AND a 64x64 version whos computers fail with 128 and 256. If none work then you're doing something very wrong or your hardware just isn't up to the mark.
How to Install
Although there are other ways to make Minecraft understand and run HD Textures I will continue to always support mcpatcher as updated by Kahr.
Simply run mcpatcher and click patch, it really is that simple.
Get it here today:
Here is a slightly outdated video if you still need help:
Screenshots and videos:
Super Old Videos and Screenshots
Personal Note from Author:
I created this texture pack with only my vision to guide me.
Please respect that and not steal my textures.
If you wish to use them, drop me a pm or an email.
Should you get permission, you must provide credit via my name and provide a link to the texture pack.
Under NO circumstances are you to make any profit out of my work. So that rules out, and any others. However you may add a donation button IF you have a lot of your own work.
This is where you can download the packs, all packs under 256x256 are mostly untested but I do try checking they're okay before resizing. Enjoy!
MIRROR1.5.2/13w18c DOWNLOAD |
Older Versions
1.5.2/13w18c DOWNLOAD |MIRROR
Older Versions
1.5.2/13w18c DOWNLOAD |MIRROR
Older Versions
1.5.2/13w18c DOWNLOAD |MIRROR
Older Versions
How to Install:
-v8 Updated to 1.5.2 AND even did the latest snapshot textures too 13w18c, feel loved
-v7 Updated to 1.4.6. Happy New Year!
-v5 Updated pack to 1.3.2 and finally added mod support.
-v4 Updated the texture pack to 1.2.4. New Textures are Jungle, Pine and Birch planks. Plus all other new blocks for 1.2.4.
-v3 Too many changes to add, basically made the texture pack tile better, added new textures for new minecraft versions and updated the pack to 1.0.0
-v2.04 Made my pack now work with 1.7_01 It seems stable enough so I updated my pack. I have added a pistons texture and fixed the bed and cake textures that Mojang decided to move. I also added a texture for shears and the unused fishing rod.
-v2.03 Made the pack work with 1.6.6 after a terrible amount of updates by Mojang (Try better next time guys!) So yeah I've added textures for the hatches, grass and shrubs and everything else that was added.
-v2.02 Made the pack work with 1.5_01, I added new rain and snow, birch and pine saplings, powered rail tracks with the pressure plate track, fixed the snow texture and added biomes grass side support.
Many of the dyes have also been changed to look like their respecive ingredients. Also added wolves.
-v2.01 Made the pack work with 1.4_01, finally made a bed icon, added cookies texture also. Changed the moon to a more realistic image of the actual moon!
-v1.03: Made the pack work with Beta 1.3, made a bed texture, moved redstone and made the redstone repeater blocks texture, fixed bow and wool textures.
-v1.02: Fixed Cobblestone tiling and Wooden plank misalignment(new texture). Enhanced Ore textures (coal/gold/iron/diamond/Redstone to look a little more realistic and actually inside of the rock. New Water texture to look more lake/sea-like rather than a swimming pool. Added mob textures: Chicken, Cow(enhanced), Creeper(enhanced), ghast, pig(enhanced), sheep, skeleton, slime, spider, squid and zombie. Added armour textures: Leather, Iron(enhanced), gold and diamond. Last change is to the smoke particles to make them look more like smoke and not flying balls of... stuff.
Armours and Mobs are subject to change as I have yet to do them
-v1.01: New glass texture, pine leaves texture, torches, levers, redstone torches. Changed water to be a bit darker and lava to be a bit brighter. Fixed the furnace GUI, edited the foliage texture to be darker and have more variants in colour. Mobs added: Creepers and cows.
-v1.0: All the textures have been changed for items, blocks, sun, moon, signs, boats and minecarts. Mobs done: Sheep and pigs
Mod Support:
As it currently stands I have just started adding mod support for my texture packs so don't expect a whole lot just yet...
(Click the resolution you want to get the textures, installation video is coming soon (Should be relatively simple to figure out anyway)
That being said this texture pack now contains Connected Textures mod support.
Credit to iiiHuman for doing the Connected Textures mod Support while I was away, massive kudos to this person! Go say thanks if you like them
The Thirst Mod is also supported:
32x | 64x | 128x | 256x
I spent many weeks and months working on this texture pack.
Countless hours have gone into creating and tweaking each and every texture.
Should you feel like offering me lovely cup of tea please click the Donate Button:
If you can't donate feel free to support the pack by placing this in your signature:
It will look like this:
Feel free to check out my other works such as these:
Old Description (For my reference)
Okay so I've finally uploaded my KDS Photo Realism pack to Minecraftforums.
There is currently a poll on there in regards to this packs future.
Please vote on there.
Check it out by clicking the following image:
Works with Beta 1.7.2!
v2.04 is OUT NOW! Those who have not updated please do so now! It will say in the file name if you downloaded the right version or not!
Also uploaded a 64 pack, its in v2.04 too. So give it a try if you can't work with 256/128
Video showing latest look of the texture pack:
Well after much testing and many tweaks I have finally decided it is time to release this.
What this isIt was originally made for Beta1.0 but since the 1.2 update I've had to make many adjustments.
So yeah this works with Beta 1.7.2 and I will continue to work on this and update this for many more updates to come.
This is a photorealistic texture pack originally designed to make minecraft look so much better and was only meant to be for my use only. Since that day I have seen it go from one texture different to a whole pack.
This changes:There are three versions I will be uploading, the 256x256 texture pack, a 128x128 version of it for those who have problems working with the 256x256 AND a 64x64 version whos computers fail with 128 and 256. If none work then you're doing something very wrong.
-All block types
How to install-All item types
-GUI (Graphical User Interface... furnace, workbench etc)
There is only one way to install this texture pack in order for it to work, you will need mcpatcher beta by kahr which was designed to make HD texture packs work with lower packs respectively.
Find it here: http://www.minecraft...f=1021&t=252531
Also use mcpatcher by xau if that doesn't work for you. (May not work)
Find it here: http://www.minecraft...hp?f=25&t=46173
Also watch this video for a foolproof way of installing the texture pack and a few mods that could go with it:
Texture Test world (Thanks to Jman37X for updating the world to include 1.5 stuff, kudos to him for that!)
(Even if you're not using my texture pack you can use this world to test other texture packs, it has all the blocks and items inside it
If you wish to buy me a coffee because of my work or help fund us to find better quality textures then you are more than welcome.
Donate Here
You have no idea how much it will mean to me with each donation. Thankyou guys so much for your support!
Changelog-v2.04 Made my pack now work with 1.7_01 It seems stable enough so I updated my pack. I have added a pistons texture and fixed the bed and cake textures that Mojang decided to move. I also added a texture for shears and the unused fishing rod.
Remember-v2.03 Made the pack work with 1.6.6 after a terrible amount of updates by Mojang (Try better next time guys!) So yeah I've added textures for the hatches, grass and shrubs and everything else that was added.
-v2.02 Made the pack work with 1.5_01, I added new rain and snow, birch and pine saplings, powered rail tracks with the pressure plate track, fixed the snow texture and added biomes grass side support.
Many of the dyes have also been changed to look like their respecive ingredients. Also added wolves.
-v2.01 Made the pack work with 1.4_01, finally made a bed icon, added cookies texture also. Changed the moon to a more realistic image of the actual moon!
-v1.03: Made the pack work with Beta 1.3, made a bed texture, moved redstone and made the redstone repeater blocks texture, fixed bow and wool textures.
-v1.02: Fixed Cobblestone tiling and Wooden plank misalignment(new texture). Enhanced Ore textures (coal/gold/iron/diamond/Redstone to look a little more realistic and actually inside of the rock. New Water texture to look more lake/sea-like rather than a swimming pool. Added mob textures: Chicken, Cow(enhanced), Creeper(enhanced), ghast, pig(enhanced), sheep, skeleton, slime, spider, squid and zombie. Added armour textures: Leather, Iron(enhanced), gold and diamond. Last change is to the smoke particles to make them look more like smoke and not flying balls of... stuff.
Armours and Mobs are subject to change as I have yet to do them
-v1.01: New glass texture, pine leaves texture, torches, levers, redstone torches. Changed water to be a bit darker and lava to be a bit brighter. Fixed the furnace GUI, edited the foliage texture to be darker and have more variants in colour. Mobs added: Creepers and cows.
-v1.0: All the textures have been changed for items, blocks, sun, moon, signs, boats and minecarts. Mobs done: Sheep and pigs
This is not yet finished but you are free to offer suggestions and feedback on this.
Screenshots and VideosJust enjoy this.
New Images
User Submitted Images:
OLD Images
Nickhimself: Brick, Tnt, Chest, Toolbench, Furnace, Recorder and Iron/Gold/Diamond Blocks
Find his RETIRED(No longer worked on and incompatable with beta) texture pack here:
Misa: Leather, Gold and Diamond armour and Chicken, Ghast, Pig, Pigzombie, Saddle, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid and Zombie
Find the texture pack here:
KDStudios Photo Realism by KDStudios is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Personal Note from Author:
You are free to do whatever you want with these files. Unless the texture isn't created by me (see credits) do whatever you like. If you want to work on a texture that was made by someone else that is included in this pack then you WILL have to ask them for permission. However Nickhimself's textures are now free to use. But please credit him regardless.
If you want me to make this texture pack lower than 128x128 then I'm sorry I will not be doing this. This disclaimer is my gift to you... It is simple enough to do in gimp just resize and check the blocks fit into the 64x64 spaces.
I ask for nothing in return for using these textures in your pack except for the mentioning of my name and a link to my pack. I'd also appreciate you to tell me and link me to it so I can add it to the description of this pack and also check yours out!
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#3 Jan 22, 2011
It's definitely interesting but please fix the X above torches, that's really annoying lol
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#4 Jan 22, 2011
Would download but I just dont really feel it :/. Not my type but it looks good :biggrin.gif:
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#5 Jan 22, 2011
Yeah I know, screenshots are on the way thats why it's called screenshots and videos :smile.gif:
Just had to take some nice looking ones.
And if you're not into it then thats up to you, impossible to please them all.
Just thankful you at least looked at it
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#6 Jan 22, 2011
Ah I just saw the problem, next time tell me which pack your using because I was running through the 256 textures wondering what on earth you were on about.
Found it in the 128's. :tongue.gif:
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#8 Jan 22, 2011
Thanks for the feedback
As soon as Acesplit mentioned the torch texture issue in the 128x128 i got right to it and now I've uploaded it.
Try it now :smile.gif:
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#10 Jan 22, 2011
I'm going to be honest, and polite.
I really like this package, it's really nice looking from what I've seen in the screen shots. I went and downloaded the 256 version and here's my "Don't Like".
- Why must every texture package fail on the GUI? I can't find a single one where the GUIs look really nice.
It's the one thing that murders the texture packages that I've seen.
That's my only complaint, but you did mention you are still working on this so I can't yell at you too much! :smile.gif:
Watch your video, I give you now 4.5 out of 5
This is really good work sir! Job WELL done. Very original looking too, not too out of control. You have good talent!
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#11 Jan 22, 2011
Fine I'll work on the 128x128 more, give it some time. (Damn downscaling from 256x256 fail
And if you don't like the gui... I'm not forcing you to use it haha. Delete it? :tongue.gif:
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#12 Jan 22, 2011
Oh, it's not "THAT" bad. Just not a huge fan of it is all. But in all, wow what a wonderful job you have done! My Lord it's nice!
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#13 Jan 22, 2011
I agree I'm not fully happy with it, it was a quick effect I did and I like it. I just need to work on it some more as it still has some problems with it.
And yeah I'm glad you like the texture pack itself. I'm actually surprised at how much I loved it.
But yeah I'm going to fix up the 128 version now as I neglected to test it (SORRY!)
Then I promise I'll try making the GUI more easy on the eyes :wink.gif: =P
EDIT: Oki Doki 128 version should be fixed now, sorry for the problems... I work mostly with the 256 version and just scale down for the 128... Such a amature mistake I know but yeah. The link for the 128 version has been updated.
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#14 Jan 22, 2011
But it's crashing my Minecraft when changing tex pack and give a log... How to fix?
2 GB of RAM, 2x2.1 GHz processor.
Thx for help!
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#15 Jan 22, 2011
Are you using mcpatcher to apply the texture pack?
It will usually crash if you try to do it with the Minecraft Launcher.
Minecraft doesn't have any texture support higher than 32x32 textures. (I think 32 anyway... I know it obviously is fine with 16x16 and I swear I've seen it work with 32x32)
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#17 Jan 22, 2011
I noticed that before, I'll get to work on it in the morning :smile.gif:
I thought the same until I got this to work, I was shocked =P
YAY for 256x256 =D
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#18 Jan 22, 2011
Very well done, since 256x256 texture packs are now possible without horrendous lag. Few bits of critique would be:
-The minerals seem too unrealistic/unnatural
-If you have Photoshop, it would be extremely beneficial to burn tool the edges of your trees too make them seem rounded. Check my pack out in my sig if you want to see what I mean.
-Might want to make a note that some of the textures belong to nickhimself's retired pack and possibly give him credit even if he is done making his pack
I don't mean to bash your pack, so please don't take it that way. I'm trying to give some tips and allow this pack to grow and hopefully trump bumpmaft (No offense to him, but his pack is just... meh).
Good luck man
That cracking pattern is really unique and I'm growing fond of it.
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#19 Jan 22, 2011
Using the 256 atm, looks splending! Although my glass is blue rimmed o_O
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"Common sense is no longer common. Take for granted that every one you meet is an idiot; Every now and then you will be surprised."
#20 Jan 22, 2011
..... mine works fine...... stop being a jackass.... it's not corrupt this pack has no custom water or lava or portals, so it takes half as much memory, try my custom water and lava with this set and then tell me everything is dandy
just becuase you couldn't get it working.... doesn't mean no one else has. 1500 other people have downloaded it since 5am this morning, 2-3 people have had problems getting it work, I say that's a pretty good margin to shoot for....
and on a side note you have a 4600 mobility chipset, where in my OP did you not see that I said you had to have a beast computer, and not a laptop? seriously don't go around bashing someones set when you are clearly not fully aware of the situation, it sucks that it didn't work for you, but you obviously have a reading comprehension problem.
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#21 Jan 23, 2011
Look who it is KD lol u back on nexus? it was funny i was like i know this name who is it :tongue.gif: its paulbunyan i got banned from nexus too !
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#22 Jan 23, 2011
Thanks! I doesn't patch Minecraft everyday and i doesn't test any mod, so can you help me?
1. Where can I download MCPatcher what works with Minecraft Beta 1.2_02?
2. That can be undone?
PS: Sorry for my english!
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#23 Jan 23, 2011
Thanks for the input, I saw what you meant :smile.gif: I'll get right to it as soon as I've finished fixing up stuff :smile.gif:
You have a really nice texture pack yourself!
I'm not sure what to do about the minerals. The most important part was to get them to blend in with the stone (which they now do) so the next target for them is to make them look more "ore-like" :smile.gif:
And I've stated many many many times in my two HD texture pack videos that a few of the textures were provided by Nickhimself, who gave me permission to use as he isn't with it anymore =/ So thankyou so much for reminding me to put it in the OP, completely slipped my mind :smile.gif:
I'm not convinced with the cracking pattern yet, but it will do for now :tongue.gif:
Um... That blue is a window frame :smile.gif:
It's nice that your pack is so popular but I'd be happy if you didn't try to start a flame war in my topic =/ I don't need that sort of thing right now. So can you sort it out via message? I'd rather people talk about MY texture pack in MY topic haha. =] I hope you understand that.
And I can see what he meant... before my texture pack literally NO 256 texture pack worked for me... so I don't know what the problem was :smile.gif:
Well well well look who it is! Haha long time no see :smile.gif:
I never left the nexus, I just use it to download mods and allow artemis to upload the ones I'm proud of :smile.gif: Leave me a message on my site if you get time, I'll try getting you unbanned from the chat on my site.
Hey there thanks for looking :smile.gif:
Latest mcpatcher is located here: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=46173
I'm using it right now and can confirm it works for Beta 1.2_02
and it can be undone by loading the patcher again and instead of selecting a texture pack just click patch and it will revert back to the original 16x16 minecraft.jar
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#24 Jan 23, 2011
It works! Thanks for help (second time :SSSS:)!
But why it works about 0.3 FPS? Game doesn't fill all my available system memory
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