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How to Change White on Paint to Another Color

Does anyone have a suggestion of what I can add to a white can of paint to add color to it. Preferably something from around the house? Any color but white, I would prefer yellow or blue.

Thanks a bunch,
Karen from Winona, WV

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April 23, 2006 4 found this helpful

I came across this same dilemma yesterday! We were painting some furniture for the nursery, and had run out of pink for the trim (the pink had originally been a mistint). Instead of buying more pink paint, we just added a darker shade of pink from a tube of acrylic paint to another can of white mistint - it matches perfectly!

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By (Guest Post)

April 23, 2006 5 found this helpful

Chili powder will give you a nice yellow-orange color.

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By COOKIEPOM (Guest Post)

April 24, 2006 5 found this helpful

You might also try Koolaide or food coloring if the paint is water based.

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By Pat (Guest Post)

April 24, 2006 2 found this helpful

I use water based craft paint to color water based wall paint. On Interior Motives Group, Kurt Cyr, a famous decorator, says he and other decorators do that all the time.

I sometimes create my own color and take a sample to a paint dept. to have it computer color matched.

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By Dean (Guest Post)

April 25, 2006 2 found this helpful

You can add any paint with color to white to tint it to another color.Be sure to stay with latex paint if your white is latex and oil paint if your white paint is oil based.When you buy paint at say a Sherman Williams paint store and you want a peculiar color they do the same thing.The base color is white and they add different tints to the white to get the color you want.The problem with doing tinting yourself is you won't be able to match the color again if you need to touch up or run out of paint brfore you finish your paint job.Maybe the a paint store will do it for you and give you the fomula if you need it again.

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May 31, 2018 0 found this helpful

It's Sherwin Williams.

August 15, 2019 0 found this helpful


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April 27, 2006 3 found this helpful

I've used acrylics to tint water-based paint too. I've used those small bottles of paint for models to tint oil-based paint.

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December 2, 2017 1 found this helpful

I use paste food colors. Mix your colors first to get what you want, then mix a small amount with a cup of paint to test. Careful, this must be remixed often to maintain consistency as it sometimes separates if not mixed well.

Use with any stock latex paint or even mistints sold cheaper. The mixing guide is usually on the box of pastes.

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February 24, 2020 0 found this helpful

Coffee grounds, chili time I tried for fun, to use dried all works!

May 20, 2020 0 found this helpful

for water based paints how about concrete dye powder? i used it for changing white primer to grey using black cement dye.

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How to Change White on Paint to Another Color
