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E233 Cannot Open Display Press Enter or Type Command to Continue


How to run graphical Linux desktop applications from Windows 10's Bash Shell?

First, I installed Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) following steps as shown in here as follows:

(1) Installed Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview Build 19619.

(2) Installed Ubuntu Linux distribution.

(3) Changed the distribution version from WSL 1 to WSL 2.

Second, to enable graphical Linux desktop applications from Windows 10's Bash Shell, I followed the following steps as shown here as follows:

(4) I installed an X Server that is Xming

(5) Installed graphical GTK-based vim editor as test using:

sudo apt-get install vim-gtk

(6) Set my display environment variable

export DISPLAY=:0

(7) Launch an Application


However, this did not lunch the application and I got the following error:

          E233: cannot open display Press ENTER or type command to continue E852: The child process failed to start the GUI Press ENTER or type command to continue                  

Any idea why this error is occurring?

Answer 1:

The networking subsystem in WSL2 is different than the used in WSL1. You must consider the differences to access networking apps running on Windows and on Linux:

  • In WSL1, Linux uses the same IP addresses than the Windows host, then, you can access the applications using localhost or
  • In WSL2, Linux runs on a lightweight virtual machine and has a different IP address. To access networking apps running on the Windows Host you must use the Windows IP address.

Checking the IP address of the Windows host

There are many ways to determine the IP addresses in the Windows host. You may run the following commands in your WSL Linux:

  • cat /etc/resolv.conf shows the IP address of the eth0 interface in Windows
  • ipconfig.exe shows the all the IP configuration in the Windows host
  • route.exe print shows the network routing configuration in the Windows host

Setting the DISPLAY variable for WSL2

Based on the Microsoft documentation, you may set the DISPLAY variable checking the nameserver in the /etc/resolv.conf file. (@fqquiner and @VPraharsha already mentioned this)

          export DISPLAY=$(grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'):0.0                  

However, I had problems using this solution, probably because I use my notebook with a WiFi connection and multiple virtual networks. Instead of the previous solution, I determine the Windows IP address using route.exe and checking the interface used in the default gateway.

          export DISPLAY=$(route.exe print | grep | head -1 | awk '{print $4}'):0.0                  

Setting the DISPLAY variable in the .profile

You may set the DISPLAY variable in your ~/.profile file. I used the following code:

          # set DISPLAY to use X terminal in WSL # in WSL2 the localhost and network interfaces are not the same than windows if grep -q WSL2 /proc/version; then     # execute route.exe in the windows to determine its IP address     DISPLAY=$(route.exe print | grep | head -1 | awk '{print $4}'):0.0  else     # In WSL1 the DISPLAY can be the localhost address     if grep -q icrosoft /proc/version; then         DISPLAY=     fi  fi                  

Answer 2:

Had the same problem so I tried these other suggestions but what ended up working was allowing vcxsrv through the public firewall. I know you're not using vcxsrv but perhaps it's the same problem for you too.

Install VcXsrv then enable public firewall like these pictures. Open Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security using wf.msc at command prompt. Then allow connections like in these pictures.

[Allow the connection in VcXsrv firewall properties2

Then run VcXsrv from this guide for Windows 10 WSL2

Run VcXsrv by adding -ac addition parameter or type this at command prompt "C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe" :0 -multiwindow -clipboard -wgl -ac

Then type this into your WSL2 terminal

          export DISPLAY_NUMBER="0.0" export DISPLAY=$(grep -m 1 nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'):$DISPLAY_NUMBER export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 # OPTIONAL Set the keyboard layout to US setxkbmap -layout us setsid emacs exit                  

Answer 3:

Adding to fquinner's answer,

Your DISPLAY env variable should be set as export DISPLAY=X.X.X.X:0 to use the Windows host's IP address as WSL2 and the Windows host are not in the same network device, where X.X.X.X is the IP address

and your IP address is listed in resolv.conf against the nameserver ($ cat /etc/resolv.conf)

or simply export DISPLAY="`grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | sed 's/nameserver //'`:0" to load the correct IP address automatically. Additionally, you can add this to .bashrc or .zshrc (If you use Zsh)

Answer 4:

There's a troubleshooting section here for debugging X11 on wsl2:

Port forwarding is not the same as WSL1 - your Linux services may be accessible via localhost for windows, but the reverse is no longer true.

So you need to use the internal IP of your windows host and tweak the firewall to allow the WSL network through.

Answer 5:

Found out that now in order to get GUI working (at least when online) you need to use your public IP...

e.g. running the following should work:

          export DISPLAY=$(dig +short                  

Answer 6:

The following instructions were copied and pasted from an article I wrote but it lost the original formatting, links, and screenshots:

Source: How to Install Ubuntu Desktop with a Graphical User Interface in WSL2

Download VcXsrv: Visit the official website Click "Download"

Install VcXsrv: Open "vcxsrv-" Click "Next" Click "Install" Click "Close"

Allow Access to VcXsrv: Check "Private Networks" Click "Allow Access"

Open PowerShell: Press "⊞ Windows" Enter "PowerShell" into the search bar Right-click "Windows PowerShell" Click "Run as Administrator"

Open WSL2: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"


Install Ubuntu Desktop: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

sudo apt --yes install ubuntu-desktop

Set the Username Variable: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

username=$(wslvar USERNAME)

Create the Ubuntu Directory: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

mkdir --parents /mnt/c/users/$username/.ubuntu/

Open the Ubuntu Directory: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

cd /mnt/c/users/$username/.ubuntu

Download Linux Software Repository for Microsoft Products: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

Ubuntu 20.04: wget --output-document packages-microsoft-prod.deb Ubuntu 18.04: wget --output-document packages-microsoft-prod.deb

Install Linux Software Repository for Microsoft Products: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

sudo dpkg --install packages-microsoft-prod.deb

Update the Repositories: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

sudo apt update

Install APT Transport for HTTPS: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

sudo apt install --yes apt-transport-https

Update the Repositories: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

sudo apt update

Install .Net: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

sudo apt install --yes dotnet-sdk-5.0

Add Arkane Systems to the Source List Directory: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wsl-translinux.list'

Update the Repositories: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

sudo apt update

Install Genie: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

sudo apt install --yes systemd-genie

Create the Sudoers File: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/genie" | sudo EDITOR="tee" visudo --file /etc/sudoers.d/$USER

Create the Desktop Script: Copy the code from below these instructions Paste the code into PowerShell Press "Enter"

                      # CREATE BASH SCRIPT  # Store block of text with here document create_bash_script=$(cat << end_of_string  # Define necessary environment variables export DISPLAY="\$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{ print \$2 }'):1.0" export DESKTOP_SESSION="ubuntu" export GDMSESSION="ubuntu" export XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP="ubuntu" export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP="ubuntu:GNOME" export XDG_SESSION_TYPE="x11" export XDG_BACKEND="x11" export XDG_SESSION_CLASS="user" export XDG_DATA_DIRS="/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/:/var/lib/snapd/desktop" export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="/etc/xdg" export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="\$HOME/xdg" export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="\$HOME/.config" export XDG_DATA_HOME="\$HOME/.local/share"  export XDG_CACHE_HOME="\$HOME/.cache" export XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="\$HOME/Desktop" export XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR="\$HOME/Documents" export XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR="\$HOME/Downloads" export XDG_MUSIC_DIR="\$HOME/Music" export XDG_PICTURES_DIR="\$HOME/Pictures" export XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR="\$HOME/Public" export XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR="\$HOME/Templates" export XDG_VIDEOS_DIR="\$HOME/Videos"  # Start desktop environment gnome-session  end_of_string )  # Store username environment variable in lowercase username=$(wslvar USERNAME | awk '{ print tolower($0) }') &&  # Save block of text in bash file echo "${create_bash_script}" > "/mnt/c/users/$username/.ubuntu/"                  

Download the Shortcut Images: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"


Unzip the Shortcut Images: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

unzip -o

Create the Shortcut Icon: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

convert -resize 64x64 ./circle-of-friends-web/png/cof_orange_hex.png ubuntu.ico

Exit WSL2: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"


Create the VcXsrv Script: Copy the code from below these instructions Paste the code into PowerShell Press "Enter"

                      # RELOAD VCXSRV SCRIPT  # Store username environment variable in lowercase $username = $env:username.tolower()    # Store block of text with here-string $reload_vcxsrv_script = @"  # Stop vcxsrv proccess that contains "1.0" in the program window title get-process vcxsrv | where { `$_.mainwindowtitle -like "*1.0*" } | stop-process  # Start vcxsrv process in a large program window on display number one start-process "c:\program files\vcxsrv\vcxsrv.exe" -argument ":1 -ac -nowgl -multimonitors -dpms"  "@  # Save block of text in powershell file echo "${reload_vcxsrv_script}" > $env:userprofile/.ubuntu/reload_vcxsrv.ps1                  

Create the Ubuntu Script: Copy the code from below these instructions Paste the code into PowerShell Press "Enter"

                      # CREATE VISUAL BASIC SCRIPT  # Store username environment variable in lowercase $username = $env:username.tolower()             # Store block of text with here-string $create_vbs_script = @"  ' Run PowerShell script in background set application = createobject("shell.application") application.shellexecute "powershell", "-file c:\users\admin\.ubuntu\01_reload_vcxsrv.ps1", "", "", 0  ' Allow PowerShell script to complete wscript.sleep 3000  ' Run Bash script in background set shell= createobject("") "wsl sudo genie -c bash /mnt/c/users/admin/.ubuntu/", 0  "@  # Save block of text in bash file echo "${create_vbs_script}" > $env:userprofile/.ubuntu/03_start_ubuntu.vbs                  

Create the Shortcut Script: Copy the code from below these instructions Paste the code into PowerShell Press "Enter"

                      # Store block of text with here-string $create_shortcut_script = @"  # Define location variables `$shortcut_location = "`$env:userprofile\.ubuntu\Ubuntu.lnk" `$program_location = "`$env:userprofile\.ubuntu\03_start_ubuntu.vbs"  # Create shortcut `$object = new-object -comobject `$shortcut = `$object.createshortcut(`$shortcut_location) `$shortcut.targetpath = `$program_location `$shortcut.iconlocation = "`$env:userprofile\.ubuntu\ubuntu.ico" `$  "@  # Save block of text in powershell file echo $create_shortcut_script > $env:userprofile/.ubuntu/04_create_shortcut.ps1                  

Open the Ubuntu Directory: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

cd c:\users\admin\.ubuntu

Create the Shortcut: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

powershell.exe -file .\04_create_shortcut.ps1

Open the Directory in Explorer: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into PowerShell Press "Enter"

explorer .

Launch the Ubuntu Desktop: Double-click the "Ubuntu" shortcut

Open Terminal: Click "Activities" in the top-left corner Enter "Terminal" into the search bar Click "Terminal"

Disable the Screen Lock: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into Terminal Press "Enter"

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver lock-enabled false

Install the Snap Store: Copy the command from below these instructions Paste the command into Terminal Press "Enter"

sudo snap install snap-store

Answer 7:

Short answer:

  1. install xming server
  2. on WSL run export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

