There are many ways for players to quickly earn more money in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , whether via quest or through the exploitation of some community-discovered glitches. Earning Crowns inThe Witcher 3 can be an incredibly time-consuming process, and as the game's main form of currency, it is crucial to have as much as possible. Additionally, the primary use of Crowns inThe Witcher 3is through the game's crafting system, and knowing how to earn more money quickly will allow players to upgrade Geralt's equipment more frequently.

In addition to earning more Crowns, players should also consider what expenses they can save on inThe Witcher 3. By relying on the weapons found throughout the game, players can save themselves armory expenses and focus on using those Crowns towards powerful gear, like the Viper School assassin gear in The Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone DLC.Be sure to only spend crowns on things that are needed, and save the rest for significantly better gear upgrades.

For players who want to complete theirWitcher 3journies without exploiting glitches, the tried and true method of exploring and looting every corner of the game will partially help them earn more money quickly. More Crowns can also be earned by selling certain items to the correct vendors inThe Witcher 3 instead of selling all loot to a single vendor. Geralt can also take on more contracts and look for Smuggler Caches throughout the world to quickly improve the number of Crowns he has in The Witcher 3.

Fastest Ways To Earn More Crowns in Witcher 3

By far, the quickest way to earn more Crowns inThe Witcher 3is through the Pang of Conscience money glitch. This glitch has been a long-time profitable source of Crowns that the community has exploited time and time again inThe Witcher 3. However, before players can activate this glitch, they'll have to reach the Kear Morhen stronghold. Next, head south of the primary fast travel gate to reach an old tower with a skeleton and chest sitting inside of it. Players will need to loot the Pang of Conscience sword off of the skeleton's body to activate the glitch, but not the letter of apology.

After looting the Pang of Conscience sword, save the file and restart the game. The sword should still be in the player's inventory, and another should respawn on the skeleton. However, if players pick up the apology letter, this glitch will not work. So instead, bring the sword to the blacksmith in Hierarch Square or other similar vendors, and sell the sword for more than 500 crowns. Repeat this as often as possible to earn more money quickly inThe Witcher 3.

Next: Witcher 3: How to Destroy Monster Nests

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt  is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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